Lic Mf Liquid Fund Overview
Category Liquid Fund
Gro. Opt. As On: 17-01-2025
NAV ₹4577.95(R) +0.02% ₹4639.97(D) +0.02%
Returns 1Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y
LumpSum (R) 7.35% 6.41% 5.33% 5.77% 6.27%
LumpSum (D) 7.42% 6.52% 5.45% 5.9% 6.41%
SIP (R) 7.21% 6.99% 6.07% 5.79% 5.91%
SIP (D) 7.29% 7.09% 6.18% 5.91% 6.04%
Ratio Sharpe Ratio Sortino Ratio Sterling Ratio Jensen's Alpha Treynor Ratio
-1.33 -0.38 0.63 -% -
Risk STD. Dev VaR 1Y95% Max DD Beta Semi Devi.
0.39% 0.0% 0.0% - 0.32%
Top Liquid Fund
Fund Name Rank Rating
Bank of India Liquid Fund 1
Axis Liquid Fund 2
Canara Robeco Liquid Fund 3
Mahindra Manulife Liquid Fund 4
Union Liquid Fund 5
Invesco India Liquid Fund 6
Aditya Birla Sun Life Liquid Fund 7

NAV Date: 17-01-2025

Scheme Name NAV Rupee Change Percent Change
LIC MF Liquid Fund-Regular Plan-Daily IDCW 1000.18
LIC MF Liquid Fund-Direct Plan-Daily IDCW 1033.45
LIC MF Liquid Fund-Regular Plan-Growth 4577.95
LIC MF Liquid Fund-Direct Plan-Growth 4639.97

Review Date: 17-01-2025

Lic Mf Liquid Fund has exhibited good performance in the Liquid Fund category. The fund has rank of 12 out of 33 funds in the category. The fund has delivered return of 7.35% in 1 year, 6.41% in 3 years, 5.33% in 5 years and 6.27% in 10 years. The category average for the same periods is 7.22%, 3.89%, 3.31% and 7.15% respectively, which shows good return performance of fund in the category. The fund has exhibited standard deviation of 0.39. The category average for the same parameter is 0.38 The fund has high risk in the category.

Key Points:

  1. An investment of ₹10,000 in Lic Mf Liquid Fund direct growth option would have grown to ₹10742.0 in 1 year, ₹12087.0 in 3 years and ₹13040.0 in 5 years as of today (17-01-2025).
  2. An SIP of ₹1,000 per month in Lic Mf Liquid Fund direct growth option would have grown to ₹12469.0 in 1 year, ₹40087.0 in 3 years and ₹70163.0 in 5 years as of today (17-01-2025).
  3. Sharpe ratio of the fund is -1.33 which shows good performance of fund in the liquid fund category.

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % 0.59
0.54 | 0.60 25 | 35 Average
3M Return % 1.72
1.58 | 1.76 21 | 35 Average
6M Return % 3.50
3.19 | 3.55 15 | 35 Good
1Y Return % 7.35
6.65 | 7.41 5 | 35 Very Good
3Y Return % 6.41
-77.10 | 6.52 16 | 34 Good
5Y Return % 5.33
-58.13 | 5.49 12 | 33 Good
7Y Return % 5.77
-45.29 | 5.95 15 | 29 Good
10Y Return % 6.27
-32.98 | 68.37 15 | 25 Average
15Y Return % 45.37
6.44 | 45.54 10 | 20 Good
1Y SIP Return % 7.21
6.56 | 7.30 14 | 35 Good
3Y SIP Return % 6.99
-17.70 | 7.08 13 | 34 Good
5Y SIP Return % 6.07
5.41 | 6.16 15 | 32 Good
7Y SIP Return % 5.79
5.16 | 5.88 12 | 28 Good
10Y SIP Return % 5.91
5.29 | 48.43 12 | 24 Good
15Y SIP Return % 45.98
5.93 | 51.82 4 | 20 Very Good
Standard Deviation 0.39
0.34 | 0.42 29 | 33 Poor
Semi Deviation 0.32
0.28 | 0.35 30 | 33 Poor
Sharpe Ratio -1.33
-3.03 | -1.09 15 | 33 Good
Sterling Ratio 0.63
0.57 | 0.65 16 | 33 Good
Sortino Ratio -0.38
-0.67 | -0.32 15 | 33 Good
Return data last Updated On : Jan. 17, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Dec. 31, 2024
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

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KPIs* Fund Benchmark Cat. Avg Min | Max Rank (In Cat.) Performance
1M Return % 0.60 0.60 0.57 | 0.62 25 | 35
3M Return % 1.75 1.75 1.67 | 1.80 24 | 35
6M Return % 3.54 3.54 3.36 | 3.60 23 | 35
1Y Return % 7.42 7.36 7.00 | 7.51 19 | 35
3Y Return % 6.52 4.03 -77.08 | 6.59 18 | 34
5Y Return % 5.45 3.45 -58.11 | 5.79 9 | 33
7Y Return % 5.90 4.08 -45.25 | 6.25 11 | 29
10Y Return % 6.41 7.22 -32.93 | 68.53 8 | 26
1Y SIP Return % 7.29 7.25 6.91 | 7.37 23 | 35
3Y SIP Return % 7.09 6.32 -17.67 | 7.15 19 | 34
5Y SIP Return % 6.18 6.14 5.82 | 6.30 15 | 32
7Y SIP Return % 5.91 5.79 5.23 | 6.18 9 | 28
10Y SIP Return % 6.04 7.65 5.49 | 48.60 7 | 25
Standard Deviation 0.39 0.38 0.34 | 0.42 29 | 33
Semi Deviation 0.32 0.32 0.28 | 0.35 30 | 33
Sharpe Ratio -1.33 -1.52 -3.03 | -1.09 15 | 33
Sterling Ratio 0.63 0.63 0.57 | 0.65 16 | 33
Sortino Ratio -0.38 -0.41 -0.67 | -0.32 15 | 33
Return data last Updated On : Jan. 17, 2025.
Other parameters, fund ranking, non return related analysis are updated after every month end. Last Updated On : Dec. 31, 2024
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators

Investment Period Regular Direct
Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000 Return % Current Value of ₹ 10000
1D 0.02 ₹ 10,002.00 0.02 ₹ 10,002.00
1W 0.14 ₹ 10,014.00 0.14 ₹ 10,014.00
1M 0.59 ₹ 10,059.00 0.60 ₹ 10,060.00
3M 1.72 ₹ 10,172.00 1.75 ₹ 10,175.00
6M 3.50 ₹ 10,350.00 3.54 ₹ 10,354.00
1Y 7.35 ₹ 10,735.00 7.42 ₹ 10,742.00
3Y 6.41 ₹ 12,048.00 6.52 ₹ 12,087.00
5Y 5.33 ₹ 12,963.00 5.45 ₹ 13,040.00
7Y 5.77 ₹ 14,807.00 5.90 ₹ 14,937.00
10Y 6.27 ₹ 18,378.00 6.41 ₹ 18,607.00
15Y 45.37 ₹ 2,735,622.00

Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Returns for periods above 1 year are annualised.

Investment Period Invested Amount Regular Direct
XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount XIRR % Current Value of Invested Amount
1Y ₹ 12000 7.21 ₹ 12,463.94 7.29 ₹ 12,469.00
3Y ₹ 36000 6.99 ₹ 40,028.26 7.09 ₹ 40,086.58
5Y ₹ 60000 6.07 ₹ 69,965.82 6.18 ₹ 70,162.92
7Y ₹ 84000 5.79 ₹ 103,230.62 5.91 ₹ 103,675.57
10Y ₹ 120000 5.91 ₹ 162,552.60 6.04 ₹ 163,647.72
15Y ₹ 180000 45.98 ₹ 9,393,699.60

Date Lic Mf Liquid Fund NAV Regular Growth Lic Mf Liquid Fund NAV Direct Growth
17-01-2025 4577.9546 4639.9738
16-01-2025 4577.12 4639.11
15-01-2025 4576.1244 4638.083
14-01-2025 4575.1665 4637.0943
13-01-2025 4574.2659 4636.1637
10-01-2025 4571.6158 4633.4241
09-01-2025 4570.7293 4632.5078
08-01-2025 4570.1468 4631.8995
07-01-2025 4569.7599 4631.4896
06-01-2025 4568.9421 4630.6429
03-01-2025 4566.2972 4627.9087
02-01-2025 4565.6102 4627.1946
01-01-2025 4564.3973 4625.9475
31-12-2024 4563.2797 4624.7969
30-12-2024 4560.9986 4622.4673
27-12-2024 4558.3687 4619.7485
26-12-2024 4557.5382 4618.889
24-12-2024 4555.8623 4617.1549
23-12-2024 4555.6417 4616.9136
20-12-2024 4553.5311 4614.7213
19-12-2024 4552.6957 4613.8569
18-12-2024 4552.0512 4613.1859
17-12-2024 4551.3179 4612.425

Fund Launch Date: 11/Mar/2002
Fund Category: Liquid Fund
Investment Objective: An open ended scheme which seeks to generate reasonable returns with low risk and high liquidity through judicious mix of investment in money market instruments and quality debt instruments. However, there is no assurance that the investment objective of the Schemes will be realized.
Fund Description: An open-ended liquid scheme
Fund Benchmark: Crisil Liquid Fund Index
Source: Fund FactSheet

Disclaimer: NO INVESTMENT ADVICE. The Content is for informational purposes only.